Cursos / Jogos Digitais / Inglês Técnico / Aula 06

arrow_back Aula 06 - A importância das palavras cognatas

Vocabulary Section

As palavras a seguir se parecem com português, mas possuem um significado completamente diferente. Para já ir aquecendo os neurônios para a próxima aula, pesquise o significado das palavras sublinhadas nas frases abaixo.

  1. He is studying to become an expert in computer science.
  2. She pretended to be OK but we knew that she wasn’t.
  3. They finished the work later than they had intended.
  4. Josephine went to college when she finished high school.
  5. He loves history and reading about the heroes of Greek legend.
  6. He decided not to travel with his parents.

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