Cursos / Jogos Digitais / Inglês Técnico / Aula 01

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  1. Identifique o verb phrase das orações abaixo:
    1. We read good books.
    2. We are reading good books now.
    3. I study English every week.
    4. I am studying now.
    5. They work at the mall on weekdays.
    6. They are working at university.
    7. I play videogame on weekends.
    8. I am playing videogame right now.

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  2. Os verbos destacados são verbos principais ou auxiliares?
    1. They are very anxious for the exam.
      1. ( ) main verb
      2. ( ) auxiliary verb
    2. The students are studying hard for the tests.
      1. ( ) main verb
      2. ( ) auxiliary verb
    3. She doesn’t work at the office.
      1. ( ) main verb
      2. ( ) auxiliary verb
    4. George does his exercises everyday in the morning.
      1. ( ) main verb
      2. ( ) auxiliary verb
    5. I have to finish my course until the end of this year.
      1. ( ) main verb
      2. ( ) auxiliary verb
    6. Mr. Miller has traveled to the United States.
      1. ( ) main verb
      2. ( ) auxiliary verb

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