Cursos / Jogos Digitais / Inglês Técnico II / Aula 10

arrow_back Aula 10 - Writing paragraphs

Atividade 01

  1. Você já ouviu falar em global warming, endangered species, threatened oceans...? Think about it!
  2. Read the little texts below and match them with the correct titles from the box.
    1. How much do you know about the world's threatened oceans?

    2. The North Atlantic species hangs in the balance.

    3. Sharks are in decline worldwide, yet they abound in the Bahamas. What makes this blue-water archipelago a sanctuary?

    4. Overfishing and global warming threaten to leave Earth's oceans barren.

    5. A dipperful of seawater reveals an amazing hodgepodge of microfauna, from gelatinous shape-shifters to a baby octopus.

    Fonte: Adaptado de <>. Acesso em: 27 abr. 2012.
  3. Now, read the following text. Using skimming, write the correct title from the list below on its proper space.
    1. A Time to Celebrate
    2. The Impact of Seafood
    3. A Responsible Activity
    4. Wrong Choices

    Now, read the text carefully and answer the following questions.

  4. Seafood (line 1) refers to
    1. ( ) types of plant found in the sea.
    2. ( ) marine animals except sharks.
    3. ( ) food for fish and whales.
    4. ( ) sea creatures that humans eat.
  5. The word fish (line 6) is
    1. ( ) a verb
    2. ( ) a noun
    3. ( ) an adjective
    4. ( ) an adverb
  6. According to the text, the interactive guide will help readers to
    1. ( ) identify unknown marine species
    2. ( ) discover their favorite fish position in the food chain.
    3. ( ) eat a healthful diet with marine plants.
    4. ( ) know a way to increase their seafood consumption.

Check your answers here.

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